Grand Gorge Central School Class Lists

All people who have been identified as attending (whether or not graduated) are listed by their graduating class from 1931 to 1980. The lists are sorted by class, then by last name. Comments indicate if "Lost" or "Deceased" or the alum desires "No Contact". For everyone else we have an address on file that seems to work. We do not display the address to respect privacy. If you need one or more addresses, you may request same through the "Contact Us" button.

Click on one of the following to display class lists:

1931 - 1935

1956 - 1960

1936 - 1940

1961 - 1965

1941 - 1945

1966 - 1970

1946 - 1950

1971 -1975

1951 - 1955

1976 - 1980